Single-Domain Free

Suitable for trial or occasional use


  • Only 2 emails
  • 100/day
  • Shared Server
Single-Domain Foundation
Unlimited emails via aliases

Suitable for personal


  • Unlimited emails via aliases
  • Receive:
  • Send: 100/day
  • Shared Server
Single-Domain Growth
Support API

Support API


  • Unlimited emails via aliases
  • Receive:
  • Send: 500/day
  • Shared Server
  • Support API
  • Sub-Domain forward
  • OEM: Customized access domain name
Single-Domain Scale
Dedicated Server IP, unlimited recipients

Suitable for large receive


  • Unlimited emails via aliases
  • Receive:
  • Send: 2000/day
  • Dedicated Server IP
  • Support API
  • Sub-Domain forward
  • OEM: Customized access domain name + Hide Powered


1.GetMX mailbox can have countless mailboxes through the collection function, no need to add a single new mailbox; if you need to add a new mailbox separately, the maximum support for Foundation-Version and Growth-Version is 10,000, and the maximum for Scale-Version is 100,000.

2.All domains quotas in the Multi-Domain are shared

3.The Scale independent server is configured with 2 cores 4G and 50G space. If the configuration is not enough, you can contact customer service to pay for an upgrade or add a server.

4.Foundation and Growth can receive no more than 500 messages per minute, and Scale has no limit; if the number of messages in the mailbox exceeds 2W, it may be slow to open or even impossible to open. You can open more mailboxes for collection, or clean them regularly.

5.It is prohibited to send verification codes, advertising, marketing, pornographic, illegal and other emails. If it is mainly used to send emails, please find a professional email vendor.