Beginner's Guide

Step 1
Sign Up & Log In to GetMX
Step 2
Add Domain & Select Region
Step 3
Need help with DNS? Contact support for remote configuration via AnyDesk

Global email server network for faster receiving
One-click server region switching
Multi-region service support, faster receiving
Not sure about servers? One click to set up dynamic server region scheduling
Global Server Support

Email catch-all for easier use
Create alias rules, more convenient employee permission allocation
New to catch-all rules? One click to enable primary email catch-all, use any email prefix
Note aliases, clearer catch-all functionality
All received alias emails are recorded, never lose emails even if forgotten, with custom notes
Convenient Permission Control
Convenient personal use with one-click dashboard login
Create sub-accounts with independent passwords that don't affect each other
One-click catch-all, multiple storage for sub/primary emails
All employee operations are logged and clearly visible